Sponsor Mosaic
We are pleased to bring to you the 8th annual Mosaic - South Asian Heritage Festival of Mississauga.
Over the past seven years Mosaic has established itself as the largest free South Asian festival of North America attracting over sixty five thousand (65,000) visitors in 2012.
The Mayor and the city of Mississauga have recognized Mosaic as a key player and an element of positive change in the cultural fabric of sixth largest Canadian city.
Mosaic is supported by the city of Mississauga and has received funding from Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Province of Ontario, Ontario Arts Council and Toronto Tourism.
You will find Mosaic 2013 to be a high impact professional quality festival providing access to large numbers of South Asians and other visitors in a fun outdoor environment. Mosaic provides opportunities to socially responsible corporations and businesses to participate in the social and community life of Canadians by becoming a festival sponsor.
Your support for Mosaic is recognized at all levels and demonstrates your interest in the communities you do business with. The benefits and privileges of available sponsorship categories are detailed in the attached schedule.
Looking forward to a long lasting and mutually beneficial partnership and to help your clients reach their target audience.
In past Mosaic festival has received various levels of sponsorships by Telus, RBC, Rogers, Omni, No Frills, CIBC, Etihad Airlines, Pakistan International Airlines, Desiwear, Radisson Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre, Chevrolet and many more. As the festival continues to grow we thank all our past sponsors for their support in our early years. A big thanks to Ontario Arts Council, Trillium Foundation, Department of Canadian Heritage and Province of Ontario for their continued Support.
TD Bank is recognized by us as the biggest sponsor to date and we present 5 major events with this sponsorship, including TD Comedy Night, TD Virsa Exhibition, TD Mosaic International South Asian Film Festival, TD Rock the Coliseum youth Festival and TD outdoor Mosaic Festival 2013.
For sponsorship inquiries and information please contact Arshad Mahmood (info@communityart.ca) or contact at 416.388.9596.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Mosaic offers different levels of Sponsorship opportunities to cater for the needs small, medium and large corporations, and those are Title, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Community Partner levels. TD Bank has taken the Mosaic 2013 Title Sponsorship and the naming rights. Other Title sponsors in the past have included TELUS, RBC and No Frills. General Motors of Canada (Chevrolet) is the returning Gold Sponsor this year.
A sponsorship package is posted online that can be downloaded by clicking on the link below: Mosaic 2013 Sponsorship Opportnunities.
You may also contact Mosaic Festival by email (info@communityart.ca) for inquiries or if you wish Mosaic to create a custom partnership or sponsorship package for your company.
Please click here to submit our Sponsorship Inquiry Form for additional information on sponsorship opportunities.
Previous Title Sponsors
Previous Gold Sponsors
Previous Silver Sponsors
Previous Community Partners
Mosaic website receives 36600 unique hits every month. You can advertise your product and services on Mosaic website and have direct exposure to thousands of unique visitors every month. Please contact Arshad Mahmood at 416-388-9596 or info@communityarts.com